Chalked letters on two sidewalk segments: Say His Name & George Floyd

Say His Name

George Floyd. Photo: David Skarjune

blue sky dotted with small puffy clouds framed by rooflines on two corners

Sky Focus

Always something different… Photo: Roxanne Dunlop

side of building with light brown cinderblock walls painted with graphics of dog, woman, and man wearing masks with the phrase "Together, We Got This!" and street scene in background with Hi-Lo sign on a buidling


We Got This! Photo: Brian Donahue

closeup peony flower with bright white-magenta petals, deep green leaves, against a wooden background


Backyard in bloom… Photo: Jane Strauss

Looking through a burnt hole in a brick wall with a construction crane in the background

Walgreens’ Teardown

Demolition & cleanup continue on E. Lake… Photo: Sue Romain

Green grass parkway with trees and bicyclist riding towards a sunset

Sunset Ride

by Minnehaha Park. Photo: Brian Donahue

Looking upward through green and yellow tree leaves with a blue skyu

Color Contrast

in newly leafed trees… Photo: Roxanne Dunlop

cropped closeup of a bright yellow painted sunflower art casting

Solid Sunflower

Lawn art project. Photo: David Skarjune

row of sidewalk cafe tables with diners in summer dress and sunglasses under table umbrellas

Cafe Society

Neighborhood begins to open… Photo: Jane Strauss

a pair of shiny railroad tracks split and recede into the distance with sunset clouds in the background and dark industrial scape silhouette on the horizon

Sunset on the Tracks

over the closed Hiawatha Lumber… Photo: Chris Balck

yellow mobile office unit sits behind an iron fence with a sign "mobile pharmacy" hanging on it

Mobile Pharmacy

at the former Walgreens… Photo: Sue Romain

orange and white cat peaking out of a square basket on a wooden tablet

Cozy Cat

on a dreary day… Photo: Michele Jansen

closeup of webbed leaf covered in water droplets

Hosta Drops

in a rain-soaked garden. Photo: Roxanne Dunlop

puzzle box on table next to a larger finished puzzle wit spiral garden, people dancing in front of purple building, with a sky of swirling clouds

Purple Puzzle

by artist Michael Birawer. Photo: David Skarjune

artist on a ladder painting a very large mural of a blue and white mountainscape seen over a fence and parking lot with a mural-painted SUV vehicle

Himalayan Parking

Mural by Martha Floerchinger… Photo: Jane Strauss

two women in white and blue full Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) medical uniforms, one holding several wrapped strips with a nylon tent wall background

COVID-19 Testing

Safety after protests… Photo: Sue Romain

Sunny park scene with a flyer on a tree reading "Please, no more fireworks." with a red X over graphics of fireworks

Noise Reduction

The Fourth approaches… Photo: David Skarjune

Deep red color on the horizon of a deep blue sky with silhouettes of trees

Early Dawn

Pretty backyard sky. Photo: Roxanne Dunlop

Front of red brick church building with yellow stone details and a large stone cross over the dooway

Open Door

St. Albert’s reopens… Photo: Jane Strauss

lawn sign reading "LONGFELLOW STRONG" with a multi-colored heart for the letter O in strong

Longfellow Strong

Yard sign fundraiser… Photo:  Chris Balck

closeup of cat laying on cement looking into the camera, gray tabby

Cloudy the Cat

…supervising my photo shoot. Photo: Brian Donahue

McDonalds street sign with golden arches and sign reading: Take out 8am 8pm - Lake Street Strong

Lake Street Strong

From storefronts to drive-throughs… Photo: David Skarjune

wooden boxes and trellises with green plants on a grassy field with a two-story brick building in the background

Green Giants

Howe raised beds… Photo: Roxanne Dunlop

sunny park scene with young couple lounging with wicker basket under the shade of a tree.

Picnic in the Park

Relaxing in the shade… Photo: David Skarjune