
Bright tulips are popping up all over the place. Photo: Maley Neil


In front of Howe Elementary School on Friday. Their tulip test site … READ MORE

lawn sign behind tulips reading PLANT SALE, Saturday May 18, Minnehaha Academy - Ice Arena indoors from 9am - 2pm

Planting Time

Mid-May brings plant sales around town. Photo: David Skarjune

bright green pointy sprouts coming out of the ground with brown leaves and plant stems

Early Tulip

as gardens are waking up… Photo: Jane Strauss

GLowing orange-yellow tulips with greenery in sunlight

Glowing Tulips

A sure sign of spring… Photo: Michele Jansen

Large oval round of bright red. orange, yellow, and pink tulips

Awash in Color

May in Longfellow. Photo: Susan Purdie

Long row of tall colorful tulips along a sidewalk with much greenery with houses in background

Color Explosion

Flower bed along a sidewalk. Photo: Dave MacCallum