Jane Strauss Transitioning in Time and Space


Ending the year with a hint of Brit, as it began – and picking up on an ongoing 2014 theme – a trick of the eye warps proportions of the photographer and the TARDIS, here seen as a Little Free Library on 46th Street, near 45th Avenue. (For those not in the know, the TARDIS is the time and space traveling machine “bigger on the inside” used by the Doctor in the British SF series “Dr. Who” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006q2x0).

Longfellow 365 was a pretty wild ride, with an amazing number of opportunities to discover hidden gems and even right wrongs. Participation took a long time, and was gone in the blink of an eye. At times, I warped my schedule to accommodate, and it was worth every bit of that.

Photography, while inherently a solitary pursuit, is an excellent vehicle for building and maintaining community, and showing that community to the viewer. And it is always – ALWAYS – a race to discover the patterns and pathways, the sense of place, of a particular location and to freeze its moments in perpetuity.

Happy New Year to all!

Photo: Jane Strauss